A Happy Ending and a New Beginning

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 29

I had to go back to my regular doctor today. The hair on my tail is dropping off.
The doctor says I have a fungus infection. I have to have medicated baths and salve put on the tail. My immune system is still weak, so I am susceptible to such things.


silvieon4 said...

Quillah, so good to see you! I used to be at White Cottage and now I am in Chesapeake with Wendy and JD.

Backyard Bird Nerd said...

Robin, The blog looks great. Good Job. Quillah is so cute.


Olivia said...

Quillah, mom told us all about your journey to White Dog Cottage and about how sick you have been. She says that you are doing so much better now and I'm so glad to hear that. She told dad that she would like for you to come and live with us when you are all well but I had to remind her that I'm the alfa female HERE and I'm not so sure about you living here . . . maybe you could come visit. Harley, he says he is in loooooooove with you but he is so fickled that I wouldn't put much stock in that comment. Between you and me, he fell in love over a dozen times at the Bichon Bash. Dad, he says that you are way cute . . . not as cute as me, I'm sure. Oh, do you know how to "butt kick"? If not, I'll teach you if you come to visit. xoxoxox Olivia